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Description: Glycolic acid is a naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids (or AHAs). Synonym: hydroacetic acid. Clear, slightly yellowish liquid. Characteristic odor. Concentration: 70% (30% water). Grade: CG. pH Value 0.5-2.0. Easily soluble in water.

CAS NUMBER: 79-14-1

INCI Name: Glycolic acid


  • Can reduce the appearance of fine lines, irregular pigmentation, age spots & decreases enlarged pores
  • Very useful in exfoliating products as alpha-hydroxy acid peel, or in creams & lotions at a lower concentration for a more gentle acid-based peel
  • Widely used to rejuvenate the skin by encouraging the shedding of old surface skin cells

Use: Typical use level is between 1-20% (final concentration of glycolic acid).  For making a 10% AHA peel, use about 14.5% of glycolic acid 70, making a 5% AHA peel, use about 7.2%. For home use, it is not recommended to make AHA peels higher than 20% (equals about 28.5% of glycolic acid). Important: Do not use glycolic acid pure and undiluted; the solution is highly acidic and can lead to skin irritation and skin burns. Storage: stable ~1 year, store cool & light protected. External use only. Please note that when using this ingredient regularly in skin care products, the skin will be very sensitive and needs to be protected from the sun, wearing sunscreen or any other protection.

Applications: Peels, creams, lotions, masks, cleansers. Due to it's acidity the final product needs to be tested for safe pH. Optimal pH range from 3.5-5.0. Some over the counter products, after adding glycolic acid, will separate as a result of the low pH, and need to be stabilized.

Country of Origin: CHINA

Raw material source: Monochloroacetic acid

Manufacture: Glycolic acid is produced by hydrolysis of molten monochloroacetic acid with 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide at 90-130 deg C. The resulting glycolic acid solution is about 60-70% concentrated.

Animal Testing: Not animal tested

GMO: GMO free (does not contain plant-derived components)

Vegan: Does not contain animal-derived components

Documents: SDS, Fact Sheet, Sample Recipe, Certificate of Analysis


Glycolic Acid 70%

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    All returns must be pre-approved. To request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) use our Contact Us Form or call us at 425-292-9502. All returned merchandise are subject to a restocking/discard fee of 20% of the original purchase price. If items are returned without prior authorization we reserve the right to discard items with no refund.

    • Ingredients: Ingredients except APIs (see below) are returnable within 5 days of receipt of the order to authorize the return. Any ingredient which has been opened is non-returnable and non-refundable. All sales are final after five days.
    • APIs (Active Pharamaceutical Ingredients): All FDA-registered Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s) such as, for example, Salicylic Acid, Aluminum Chlorohydrate and Sunscreens are non-refundable and non-returnable.
    • Containers/Tools: Containers and tools are returnable within 30 days of receipt of the order to authorize the return. All sales are final after 30 days.
    • International Orders: International orders are not returnable.
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